Milestone 1

Assessing the ZI climate: where we are, what we need and where we want to go with our open science practices and policies. What do people know about open science and what do they need?


a) Do ~10 1:1 meetings with community members chosen at random, to assess how the community feels about open science (general value, practices). Questions to guide the 1:1 convos:

b) Produce a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) plan (essential for all the milestones)

Milestone 2

Following open leadership best practices, identifying and engaging critical stakeholders among the ZI community of researchers and leadership who will be involved in this project.


c) Identify community members who already publish preprints and/or code openly and interview them. Have ~10 1:1 conversations:

d) In parallel. Identify community members who are skeptical about preprints and/or open code and interview them. Have ~10 1:1 conversations to:

e) Use data from c) and d) to create persona profiles and a related mountain of engagement: how might different stakeholders approach open science? Questions to guide the persona profiling:

f) Present the vision for this project and data from e) to CEO to make the case for why we need to develop programmatic content around open science, and support in general, as an institute, an open science culture. Goal: obtain CEO’s buy-in, in the form of behavior modeling and funding

Milestone 3

Exploring pathways for dissemination of open science best practices, and selecting the most suitable one for my organization


g) Find good examples of communities that have run engaging programs about open science:

Milestone 4

Making the Open Science initiative at the Zuckerman Institute sustainable: distributed and shared leadership


h) Empower contributors (aka co-developers) to become leaders of the programmatic content: mentor community members up to the highest level of the * mountain of engagement

i) Highlight and celebrate contributions